MK och Nylon

MK posar här på omslaget för Nylon. Vad tycker du om det? JAPSI tycker att det ser ut att vara snygga bilder i tidingen och ett snyggt omslag.
Självklart ska JAPSI inte lämna er med de få rader. Ni ska även få lite info om vad hon sa:
Folks åsikt om henne?: I wear weird things sometimes. I like to drink coffee. Neither of these things have anything to do with who I am. I am a bit kooky, I am a bit wacky, and that's how my friends know me: It's a happy craziness and they connect with that person and respect me for it.
MK om syrran Ashley: We're very close, we're extremely close...We deal with so many things every day and we're really the only two people who understand how it feels. I'm lucky to be able to go through these emotions with her - to share it and to know that I'm not alone...Yeah, I mean, my sister and I are so different. I think that's why we work so well together - it's the Ying and the Yang. When she's up, I'm down and when I'm down, she's up. We're always sort of balancing each other out and encouraging each other...It's like talking about friends. You're different than your best friend; you're two completely different people. Although we're twins it really has nothing to do with how different we are
PS. om ni inte kan läsa engelska så blir nog detta ett problem!